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Magazines / Shows / Experiences

Fall 2019 Intern

We are a creative, Mac-based publishing company specializing in luxury weddings and events. We are searching for a fall intern for our downtown Toronto office (Queen/Bathurst) who has the desire to experience all aspects of publishing (editorial, sales, graphic design) and can work in a fast-paced environment.

You are currently enrolled in a post-secondary program and in need of a fall internship for school credit. You are a hard-working individual with top-notch time management skills who take initiative and can work independently or on a team. You have a love of fashion, beauty, flowers, and of course−weddings and extraordinary events! You can juggle multiple tasks at once and always want to pitch-in where needed. Assisting our Content and Fashion Editor, Sales Team, and Social Media Coordinator, you will be part of a tight-knit team working for a national luxury wedding magazine, where you will contribute to the print issue, daily blog, social media, and other exciting special projects.

Internship Dates: September – December 2019



Please note: Currently this is an unpaid position, however, this is a great opportunity to build your portfolio with valuable work experience and establish yourself in the industry.

Send your CV and cover letter to [email protected] with the subject line: “Fall 2019 Intern Application”